Friday, June 11, 2010

The New Shells Are In... The New Shells Are In....

While in Maine I have had to rename a day of the week - sort of a reminder that too much of a good thing is bad for you.  So this year I only have lobster one day a week - on Lobstaday.  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Lobstaday Saturday Sunday....
These two guys are the first I have seen of New Shell Lobsters.  And now that they are showing up in the pounds, they will continue to be plentiful throughout summer.  Matter of fact, up here in Maine, unless you specifically ask for Hard Shell Lobsters, this is what you will get.  And as far as I am concerned, there is NO need to order hard shells.
The soft shell is exactly what it sounds like - a lobster with a soft shell.  Once a year between May and as late as August, all lobsters will "shed" their shells.  In fact "shedders" are what the lobster men (OK... lobster people) call them.  In order to grow, they have to get rid of their smaller shell in order to grow into a larger one.  Lobsters have a subtle line that runs along the top of the carapace from the head to the back of the carapace.  They lose up to 50% of their weight in body, claw, knuckle and abdomen (tail)meat.  During the molting process they position themselves head down on the bottom and their carapace (body) splits down that longitudinal line.  Once split they literally pull themselves out of the shell.  I guess it's pretty easy to see how they can pull their abdomen and tail fins out of the old shell but the real magic is in the claws. 

If you look at the first picture, you can see that there are two "knuckles" between each claw and the abdomen (that section between the tail fins and the carapace).  And as you can see, the knuckles are considerably smaller than the claws.  So imagine the struggle trying to pull all that claw meat out of those tiny openings in the knuckles.  Some trick ehh?  Occasionally their claw meat is just too massive to pull it through so they instinctively break that claw off.  By the way, a lobster with only one claw is called a "cull".  Not to worry though, if the lobster isn't caught for three or four years, it will actually grow a new claw. 

Once the shedding is completed, they hide away in the rocks on the bottom and limit their movement because of their vulnerability due to the soft shell.  But they still have to eat and that's why lobstering produces a very high percentage of shedders.  The traps lay on the bottom, in rocky areas and the newly shed lobsters smell an easy meal with a minimum of exposure in the water column. 
Shedders in their new shell have far less meat than a hard shell of the same size but actually will weigh more.  That's because as the new shell is forming, a considerable amount of seawater is trapped inside the claws, knuckles, carapace and abdomen.   They cook up the same as a hard shell in a bit less time but I am here to tell ya - they are far easier to eat, the meat is much sweeter, more tender, and the seawater is absolutely delicious.   And as you undoubtedly know from a previous post, they are natures perfect food.  Just learn to enjoy them with a squirt of fresh lemon juice in lieu of melted butter.  Personally, I save the butter dipping for the first and last bites only.

Sunday, June 6, 2010


If you ever find yourself in Bar Harbor on a nice day, and have a few hours to kill... go for a ride with Captain John on the (modified for passengers) Lulu.  Here's a link to learn more about their schedule, rates, etc.  Lulu Tours ..  Try it, you'll like it!  As a matter of fact, this was our #1 most favorite paid attraction in Maine to date.  If you were able to go to a dictionary and look up the definition of "an ambassador to the Maine Lobster Industry"  - you'd see a picture of Captain John.

The standard tour takes you out of Bar Harbor from the Public pier, through the breakwater, and a few miles out to Egg Island and the Egg Island Light.  You will spend some time viewing bald eagles, puffins, several species of gulls, and the main attraction, harbor seals.  The captain gives the island and the wildlife a wide berth.

The rocky shore is lined with harbor seals and their pups.  Once again, I am hoping for a little better digital camera for Christmas (that's a link to the one hint hint).  In this picture you can actually see some of the harbor seals hangin' out on the rocks.  Some appear light brown in color while others seem to melt into the rocks around them.  There are probably a dozen of so of them in this picture.

If you happen to be on the tour in the May / June time frame you will also be privileged to see the harbor seal pups hanging out with their Mom.  Pictured here are two Moms with their pups except one of the Moms disappeared when I said "SMILE".   Afterwards,  you motor back into and behind Bar Island where the captain pulls up numerous lobster traps from 50 feet of water. 

 Here, Captain John pulls up a trap with 3 lobsters "in the parlor".  A trap consists of two heads (ports of entry - where the lobsters first enter the trap), a kitchen (which is where the lobsters enter and where the bait bag is), a parlor (the apparent exit after eating), and a juvenile escape port.  By law, the traps must also have a larger escape port should the pot be lost at sea - typically a stick of wood which holds a trap door closed will rot and the trap door opens.

Captain John is using the lobster gauge.  You can see the notched area which measures the minimum length of the carapace (3.5 inches).  In this case the lobster is too small by about 1/8th of an inch.  The other side of the gauge is the notch to measure the maximum length of the carapace (5").  Any lobster with a body over 5" in length (that would be a lobster weighing 4 to 5 pounds) must be returned to the sea.

Here's a borrowed picture to illustrate the main parts of a lobster.  I assure you, the captain goes much deeper into the biology.

 Lobster men and the state of Maine do an excellent job self regulating / regulating the industry which is why they are able to supply 90% of the lobster sold in the USA without endangering the numbers of lobsters in their territorial waters.  It's an education the entire trip out, while at and behind the islands, and on the way back in - the captain is wired!  That is, he wears and amplified remote microphone and uses it ever minute you're on the boat.  He has been a licenced captain for 30 years and has mastered boats (ships) up to 100 tons.  Needless to say he knows ever inch of the water and the area land masses.  He was the most upbeat, knowledgeable person (well, at least in this element) I have met to date.  And do NOT try to match wits with him - his mind processes information faster than a speeding bullet.

Thanks to the folks at  the Lobster Institute for letting me use this picture.  The web page for the picture is

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Vengence Is Mine....

You'll see this guy in the parking lot of Ruth &Wimpy's Restaurant on Route 1 in Hancock, Maine.  Before we arrived in Maine this year, I promised myself that I would "slow down" in the consumption of these wonderful crustaceans and have been doing what I consider a really good job.  Two a week is very reasonable! 

Now then, normally if you were to see a 10' high plastic lobster in front of a restaurant your common sense would tell you to beware the tourist trap - right?  Becky and I passed the place by a number of times but finally were persuaded to stop by a sign outside - Lobster and Potato $8.95, Crab Roll $5.99.  And so we did and were both surprised and amazed to see a dining room slam full of Mainers!  Both our meals were delicious and all the plates that passed by us on their way to other customers looked equally a good. 
And if I were a better photographer, or had a better camera which ever applies to the picture to the left, you'd be able to see the benefits of consuming Maine lobster.  They are "highly nutritious and are a dieter's dream.  They are low in fat, calories and cholesterol lower than lean ground beef of skinless chicken or turkey.  Lobsters contain Omega-3 fatty acids which reduces hardening of the arteries and decreases the risk of heart attack.  Lobsters are also high in amino acids, Potassium, Magnesium, Vitamins B2, B3, B6, and B12.  They also contain Calcium, Zinc and Vitamin A.  My God!  Lobsters are God's answer to the perfect food - forget all the hype about eggs - except those found in female Lobsters.  Did I fail to mention that their taste is right out of this world?   Aside from all of that.... if you can't believe a paper place mat, just what source of information would you trust?
So... how many folks do you think posed for a picture as I did in this one?   It must be in the tens of thousands and I would guess the vast majority would have been kids - or old farts like myself that haven't learned the technique of "growing up".   After a day trip on  The Lulu with Captain John, I noticed an anatomical anomaly on this creature... it has two "crusher" claws instead of one crusher and one "shreader" - oh well.  By the way, more on Capt. John and The Lulu later.