Saturday, June 5, 2010

Vengence Is Mine....

You'll see this guy in the parking lot of Ruth &Wimpy's Restaurant on Route 1 in Hancock, Maine.  Before we arrived in Maine this year, I promised myself that I would "slow down" in the consumption of these wonderful crustaceans and have been doing what I consider a really good job.  Two a week is very reasonable! 

Now then, normally if you were to see a 10' high plastic lobster in front of a restaurant your common sense would tell you to beware the tourist trap - right?  Becky and I passed the place by a number of times but finally were persuaded to stop by a sign outside - Lobster and Potato $8.95, Crab Roll $5.99.  And so we did and were both surprised and amazed to see a dining room slam full of Mainers!  Both our meals were delicious and all the plates that passed by us on their way to other customers looked equally a good. 
And if I were a better photographer, or had a better camera which ever applies to the picture to the left, you'd be able to see the benefits of consuming Maine lobster.  They are "highly nutritious and are a dieter's dream.  They are low in fat, calories and cholesterol lower than lean ground beef of skinless chicken or turkey.  Lobsters contain Omega-3 fatty acids which reduces hardening of the arteries and decreases the risk of heart attack.  Lobsters are also high in amino acids, Potassium, Magnesium, Vitamins B2, B3, B6, and B12.  They also contain Calcium, Zinc and Vitamin A.  My God!  Lobsters are God's answer to the perfect food - forget all the hype about eggs - except those found in female Lobsters.  Did I fail to mention that their taste is right out of this world?   Aside from all of that.... if you can't believe a paper place mat, just what source of information would you trust?
So... how many folks do you think posed for a picture as I did in this one?   It must be in the tens of thousands and I would guess the vast majority would have been kids - or old farts like myself that haven't learned the technique of "growing up".   After a day trip on  The Lulu with Captain John, I noticed an anatomical anomaly on this creature... it has two "crusher" claws instead of one crusher and one "shreader" - oh well.  By the way, more on Capt. John and The Lulu later.

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